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senior pastors

Matt and Vivi Warren

Typical of the cultural flavour of One Church, Matt grew up in France and England as a child of missionaries. While Vivi grew up in Argentina and met Matt at Bible College in England. They were married in 1998 and pastored the youth for 17 years. Together they have four children. In 2018 they became Senior Pastor’s of One Church.

We love the church and believe it should be confident, family centred, compassionate, and audacious in faith and service. If you’re seeking answers to some of life’s questions, just visiting, or already a follower of Jesus, we pray that you will connect with God’s purposes for your life in a unique and beautiful way.
— Matt and Vivi Warren


The Elders are responsible for the primary leadership and oversight of the church. They lead the church, teach and preach the word, intercede, pray for the sick, protect, exhort and admonish the saints in sound doctrine. In biblical terminology elders; shepherd, oversee, lead, and care for the local church.


lead team


The lead team are the key ambassadors and implementers of our vision. Their role is to build teams that equip ‘the house’, for ministry and service. This includes in Operations, Creative and Worship, Fellowship and Discipleship, Social Justice, Mission and Evangelism.


Matt & Vivi Warren
Senior Pastors

Esther Ellis
Community Pastor

Steph Knight
Worship & Creative

Sophia Winter
Youth Pastor

Carys Wiesner
General Manager

Dan & Jo Prideaux
Connect Groups

Chris Norton
Media & Comms

Pete Owen
One College Principal

Ben Knight
0-30s Pastor

Sarah Papathanassi

Chris Grey
Kids Pastor



The trustees ensure our charity is accountable and correctly carrying out its purposes for the public benefit. That we comply with governing documents and the law, and also managing resources responsibly with care and skill.


Matt Warren
Senior Pastor

Dan Prideaux
Chair of Trustees

Chris Saunders


Tom Moncreaff

Ben Ellis


Chris Papathanassi

Ben Knight
0-30s Pastor


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